OUr next steps

Considering all we have witnessed over the past four years, we began asking the question, "What is a reasonable response to what God is already doing?"

If our vision really is to see a Gospel movement that reaches every person of the Hill Country then a reasonable response would be to build our permanent facility that would be simple and effective. A facility that would serve as our home and hub. Our facility will be a home because we’re family and a hub because we’re missionaries to be sent out.
The way we are thinking about our future and this building is through 4 simple numbers: 1, 40, 3,700, and 25,000.



From the very first day, we’ve said we exist to see a gospel movement that reaches every person of the hill country and is carried to the ends of the earth. You cannot possibly reach every person if you don’t intentionally reach the one person in front of you. This kind of intentionality starts with one person receiving Christ, one person getting baptized, one neighbor coming to church, or one person realizing their God given calling to reach the next one person. When those who are far from God but close to us see the Gospel in us, this is when the Church begins to shine bright!



There are several ways the number 40 is significant in scripture, but one that stands out most is that the number 40 indicates a generation. As a church, we are passionate that every age and stage of life has a place to celebrate, apply, and extend the gospel! We want every child in BridgeKids to meet Jesus and make friends, every student in BridgeStudents to know Jesus and make disciples, and every adult to grow in Christ and pass on faith to the next generation! A Church is alive when children, students, and adults truly love God and pursue others!



3,700 represents the total number of people we could love, disciple, and send out in 3 services in our new facility! With an auditorium that seats 1,128 people, a BridgeKids space that can facilitate almost 500 children, and a BridgeStudents auditorium that holds 300 students - we have the opportunity to raise up generations of Christ followers that Love God and Love People! Ultimately, this permanent location does not just create seating capacity, it also creates sending capacity. As we continue to reach people our goal will always be to multiply out and plant more churches because churches who believe the gospel - plant churches.



Recent studies have shown that the population of Boerne at the end of 2026 will be around 25,000 people. 25,000 people to reach, care for, and love in Jesus’ name! As missionaries to our community, we will never forget that we are not simply called to an address on Ammann Road but to “walk to the other side of the bridge” and care for people who might not ever walk through our doors. We have partnered with some incredible mission partners in our area including Hill Country Daily Bread, The Vault Fostering Community, and South Texas Alliance for Orphans to continue to help in Jesus’ name. Ultimately, there will come a beautiful day when we send out some of our very best to multiply out as we did, to start another church to reach more people in our area because “churches who believe the gospel plant churches”.

Building Details 

» 18 acres at 109 Ammann Rd
» 479 parking spaces
» 52,000 sq. ft. building space
» 1,128 seats for worship
» 13,761 sq. ft. of secure Bridge Kids space

the goal

Our PRIMARY GOAL with this initiative is to have 100% of people who call The Bridge Fellowship home participate in this initiative to fuel the mission of God for what’s NEXT.

Our SECONDARY GOAL is to raise fifteen million dollars in generous gifts over the next three years, above and beyond regular tithe and offerings, so that we can move forward to where we believe God is calling us NEXT.

BUDGET details

» Land Purchase= $1.8 million
» Structure + Parking= $20 million
» Furniture + Fixtures + Equipment= $2 million    

Total Cost of Project= $23.8
Total Cash Needed to Begin= $15 million

ways to give...

Give Online: We make it easy and convenient for you to give online through our website. Please be sure to select- Next Fund- (Building)

Give by Mail: Checks can be made out to The Bridge with “Next” in the memo. Mail to: PO Box 955 Boerne, TX 78006

Give on Sundays: During our weekly services, you can give on your way in or out by placing your gift in our wooden offering boxes

Give by Stock: We have the ability to receive stock gifts. For some, this is the most effective way to use their resources.

Now is the time to move forward with your pledge!

For those who have pledged, now is the time to begin your commitment towards NEXT. You can do so in a variety of ways. See above for options!  

If you have not pledged but would like to, it's not too late! 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is NEXT?
NEXT is an expression of our vision to be a Gospel movement that reaches every person of the Hill Country. It is a three-year financial commitment to accomplish this faith-stretching, exciting vision to pursue what is NEXT for The Bridge Fellowship.

Is the Next Fund pledge above my general tithe?
Yes. NEXT commitments are above and beyond a general tithe.

How much is the building going to cost?
The total cost for land, structure, parking, furniture, fixtures, equipment is 23.8 million.

How do we know that the cost is realistic?
We have talked with many in the field of architecture and commercial building while completing the scope of work and we believe we’re as close as possible to an accurate estimate. Of course the numbers may change, but we are confident that the current estimate is realistic given what is happening on similar projects around the country.

Why would the church borrow money?
We know there are all kinds of perspectives when it comes to borrowing money.  Since day one of opening our doors we have strived to be great stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us.  The generosity of our people allowed us to put down a substantial down-payment when we purchased the 18 acres at 109 Ammann Rd.  Furthermore, we have been making monthly payments into a savings account as if we were already carrying a mortgage.  That being said, if we were to wait until we had the cash on hand then the overall cost of construction would essentially rise.  Therefore, we want to reasonably leverage lending to continue building kingdom.  

Are there phases to this project?
This design uses every available acre for the mission and vision of every generation to know and experience the good news of the Gospel. Our goal is to provide adequate parking, kids, students, and adult spaces that maximizes our property so that no other building project on our Ammann Road property would be necessary. Once this is complete, our vision goes outward. This facility is ultimately our hub for mission as we send out churches in our area and the world.

When are we hoping to start construction?
We have been working diligently with our architect and general contractor. We are being told about two years. Obviously there are a lot of variable factors when it comes to construction so we are taking it one step at a time.  We will keep you informed as things develop.

What about church planting?
Nothing has changed since day one. We want to maximize our property at 109 Ammann Rd and use it as a central hub to plant more churches throughout the hill country.

*Have more questions? Please send an email to next@bridgefellowship.net