Our Story

How it all started...

In 2000, Bubba Stahl led First Baptist Church of Boerne to multiply the congregation when it reached approximately 1,000 people on a Sunday morning. That vision was brought to fruition as John Free was brought in to plant a new church in the growing area. On January 21, 2001 Currey Creek Church began with a core group of people in the cafetorium of Boerne Middle School South. The first 10 years of Currey Creek was hard plowing, but the evidence of God's faithfulness was throughout as people came to know the Lord. In 2012, the church began to grow. As the church grew, Pastor John's heart continued to be fueled by preaching of the Word and looking to multiply churches as had happened with Currey Creek Church.

The Bridge Fellowship

In March 2018 during a staff meeting, John Free put a date down as a goal for Currey Creek's first local church plant. In that moment, Jared Patrick's heart jumped, and he knew that God might be calling him to lead this effort. Through prayer and seeking confirmation with the pastoral staff, elders of Currey Creek, trusted friends, and his wife, Jared felt confident that God was moving him in that direction. Over the next year of prayer and research, the vision of The Bridge Fellowship was born. In March of 2020, The Bridge had its very first interest meeting with over 200 people in attendance.

Where we are headed...

The sacrificial giving of both First Baptist Church and Currey Creek Church is represented by the saying "Churches who believe the gospel, plant churches." With this end in mind, The Bridge Fellowship will have in its very DNA, a church planting mindset. As we raise up leaders, it will be our objective to send out and multiply for the sake of the gospel.

We truly believe that when we celebrate the gospel in worship, apply the gospel in community, and extend the gospel on mission we will see a gospel movement that reaches every person of the Hill Country and will be extended to the ends of the earth.